Saturday, March 28, 2009

Run For Your Life! 5k

I have to say that this race was completely unexpected. The week got away from me and I started an unintentional taper (which means I blow off some workouts during the week.) This left me pretty well rested. So, I looked for a 5k in the area on Saturday morning.

For some strange reason, whenever I now look for a random 5k and check the results the previous year, my buddy Lloyd has ran it. Never fails. Once again, checking there was Lloyd. The other good token is that this usually means good luck for me.

I had done pretty well in the early part of the season on some very hilly courses and was wondering how I would do on a flat course. After warming up and seeing it, I knew this was going to be a good race.

I went out a tad too fast again (big surprise) but managed to settle in just after mile 1. By mile 2, we had separated ourselves pretty good from the rest of the runners. I glanced back just before mile 2 marker and didn’t see anyone. Hit mile 2 at 11:30 and realized that I had a good chance at PRing. I held the pace and stayed with the guy right in front of me. Rounded mile 3 and head the time 17:30! We pushed in pretty hard and managed to hit an 18:40! PR!

So, my third race of the year and my third PR in a row. I am pretty happy as of right now with my Boston preparation. Going into a half marathon next weekend should be the final test. But all signs are looking pretty darn good.

As for the race, I placed 8th overall out of 500 people and won my age group out of 27 guys. Bad news: I missed the course record for my age group by just 15 seconds. Have to work on my pacing before Boston.

Next up Spring Classic Half Marathon!

Song of the Week: Sex on Fire by the Kings of Leon